REGISTRATION OPEN – 9th CIRIEC Conference on Social Economy:
« Building forward better: Social and solidarity economy for a peaceful and fair world »
Seoul (Republic of Korea), 04-06 July 2023.
REGISTRATION OPEN:…/conference/ciriec2023
EARLY BIRD until April 30.
Scientific chairs:
Sang-Youn Lee (SungKongHoe University, KR)
Marie J. Bouchard (UQAM, CRISES, CAN)
Scientific organizers:
Sang-Youn Lee, Marie J. Bouchard, Juan Fernando Alvarez, Eric Bidet, Eric Dacheux, Timothée Duverger, Hyungsik Eum, Dorothea Greiling, David Hiez, Akira Kurimoto, Alexandrine Lapoutte, Carmen Marcuello, Deolinda Meira, Jérôme Schoenmaeckers, Ilcheong Yi.