L’axe Entreprises collectives du CRISES et l’Équipe de recherche en Gestion des entreprises sociales et collectives (GESC) de l’ESG UQAM présentent le séminaire
Two experiences of social innovation and collective enterprises in Latin America: the Central Social Cooperatives of Lara (Venezuela) and the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianopolis (Brazil)
Avec les conférenciers invités Daniel Calbino et Thiago Gonçalves Magalhães
Le lundi 26 novembre 2018
12h30 à 14h30,
à l’UQAM, local R-3570, Pavillon des sciences de la gestion, 315 rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Inscriptions à crises@uqam.ca
« Innovations in Management of Collective enterprises: An Empirical Analysis from a Venezuelan Cooperative Organization”.
Dr. Daniel Calbino. PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2013). Master in Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2010). Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of São João del Rei (2008). He is currently Assistant Professor-I of the Federal University of São João del Rei-Sete Lagoas Campus. He works in the areas of research with the following themes: Critical Organizational Studies, Solidary Economy, Self-Management, Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives, Social Technologies, Critical Pedagogy and School Institution Management.
Synopsis of the Lecture: We propose to present an organization founded 50 years ago, with 1,200 socio-workers and 35 affiliated organizations that do not have heads or supervisors (the Central de Cooperativas Sociais del Estado Lara, Venezuela). The organization is today the largest supermarket chain in the state of Lara, and directly serves more than 150,000 people per month. The turnover of the Organization exceeds 100 million dollars per year. However, the relevant is not the economic data, but its decentralized management mode, without hierarchies, nor heads. The fair remunerations and the high ethical value of those involved seem to bring substantial contributions to think of innovations in management theories today.
“Experience of the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianópolis, in Santa Catarina, Brazil”
Thiago Gonçalves Magalhães. Ph.D. candidate in Public Administration, researcher in the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianopolis (OBISF) and in the Center for Social Innovation in the Public Sphere (NISP) – Santa Catarina State University – Brazil. His research areas are related to: The development of the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianopolis; The learning process and knowledge development in social innovation ecosystems; Public problems and public inquiry experiences in the public arena to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil.
Synopsis of the Lecture: We propose to present the development experience of the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianópolis, in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The observatory’s goal is to map the network that forms the Social Innovation Ecosystem (SIE) of Florianópolis, including support organizations/initiatives and social innovation initiatives, in order to understand their operation, interactions and effects in dealing with the city’s problems. The observatory adopts the concept of social innovation as an intervention promoted by different collectives (public), in order to build solutions for the city’s public problems. In addition, we propose to understand how the learning and the knowledge construction process take place in the SIE trough the analysis of a “public inquiry” experience in the public arena to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil.