Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique
How does the social economy contribute to social and environmental innovation? Evidence of direct and indirect effects from a European survey
Vol. 53
no. 5
Mireille Mercier-Roy
p. 45
Revue de la régulation
Vol. 34
Vol. 2023/1
no. 367
p. 140
Ambre Fourrier
Recherches sociographiques
Vol. 64
no. 1
p. 201
Marc D. Lachapelle
Management Learning
Management Communication Quarterly
Vol. 0(0)
p. 1
Teresa Harari
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Journal
Revue de l'Organisation responsable
Vol. 17
no. 2022-2
p. 115
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu
UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
Journal of Global Responsibility
Revue internationale de l'économie sociale (RECMA)
no. 361
p. 113
Revue Organisations & Territoires
Vol. 29
no. 2
p. 1
Working Papers CIRIEC
no. 15
Comment former à l'économie sociale et solidaire ?
Mendell Marguerite
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
Vol. 2020
no. 1
Organisations Structurantes de l'économie sociale : le cas d'une institution de la finance solidaire au Québec
Trajectoires d'innovation. Des émergences à la reconnaissance
p. 131
De l'émergence à la reconnaissance. Trajectoires d'innovations sociales
p. 131
Invited paper at the Expert Group Meeting on Harnessing the Power of Cooperatives to achieve Sustainable Development for All, United Nations Office, Nairobi (Kenya), March 26-28 2019
Business & Society
Vol. 58
no. 4
p. 841
RAUSP Management Journal
Vol. 54
no. 1
p. 14
Marcos Barros
p. 1
Regulation & Governance
Vol. 13
p. 127
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Vol. En ligne
Myriam Sylla
Gestion des entreprises sociales et solidaires
p. 227
ICIS 2018 Proceedings
A. Mesny
Revue internationale de cas en gestion
Vol. 16
no. 4
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Strategies Fostering Nested Systems of Societal Impact
Paper at the High-Level Conference " The impact of EU Research and Innovation on your Daily Life ", Joint conference of the European Parliament and the European Commission, European Parliament, Brussels, 27 November 2018
Isleide Fontenelle
Journal of Consumer Culture
Vol. En ligne
Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for Social and Solidarity Economy?State of the Art
Working Paper. United Nations Research Institute on Social Development
Myriam Michaud
Management Decision
International Journal of Community Currency Research
Vol. 22
no. Summer
p. 56
Jinhwan Kim
International Journal of Case Studies in Management
Vol. 16
no. 1
p. 1
Comment faire valoir l'économie sociale ?
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu
Billet de blogue pour l'organisme Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS).
Economics Bulletin
Vol. 38
no. 3
p. 1523
Commoning and the Commons - Alternatives to a Market Society
Karl Polanyi's Vision of Socialist Transformation
Unpacking the Dynamics of Paradoxes across Levels. Cascading Tensions and Struggling Professionals
Frédéric Gilbert
Dualities, Dialectics, and Paradoxes in Organizational Life
Vol. 8
p. 56
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu
Tribune Fonda
no. 240
p. 36