• Réinitialiser
La Base de données sur les innovations sociales du CRISES : portée et limites d’une innovation méthodologique

David Longtin

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière


Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique

Disentangling public urban green space satisfaction: Exploring individual and contextual factors across European cities

Thomas Coisnon

Anne Musson

Serigne Daouda Pene

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière


Vol. 152

How does the social economy contribute to social and environmental innovation? Evidence of direct and indirect effects from a European survey

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Samira Rousselière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%, %' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1


Vol. 53

no. 5

Collective Action for a Multispecies World: A Compositionist Approach to Grand Challenges

Mireille Mercier-Roy

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot


p. 45

Coopératives de production : Quelle spécificité du rapport social d'activités coopératif à l'aune du rapport salarial?
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Ballon, Justine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Justine Ballon

Sylvain Celle

Anne Fretel

Delphine Vallade


Revue de la régulation

Vol. 34

Écoles de management : quels enseignements pour une transition juste ?
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Ramboarisata, Lovasoa%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Lovasoa Ramboarisata


The Conversation

La fabrique de l’émancipation. Repenser la critique du capitalisme à partir des expériences démocratiques, écologiques et solidaires
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello-Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello-Rozas



Vol. 2023/1

no. 367

p. 140

Mais vous êtes donc communiste? Complément d’enquête sur les communs
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Abraham, Yves-Marie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves-Marie Abraham

Ambre Fourrier


Recherches sociographiques

Vol. 64

no. 1

p. 201

Teaching management in the context of Grand Challenges: A pragmatist approach
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot

Marc D. Lachapelle


Management Learning

Dislocating peripheries to the center: A tecnologia social reinventing repertoires and territories

Fabio Prado Saldanha

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

Natalia Aguilar Delgado



Counter-Narratives Mobilized by Deprived Communities Through Theatre Interventions: Deconstructing and Reframing Master Narratives

Fabio Prado Saldanha

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot

David Le Puil


Management Communication Quarterly

Vol. 0(0)

p. 1

Nourishing the Methodological Debate on Critical Management Studies Through a Decolonial Perspective

Teresa Harari

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon


Academy of Management Journal

Projecting and Infrastructuring: Designing Cryptocurrencies for the Solidarity Economy

Bruno Henrique Sanches

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

Eduardo Henrique Diniz


Academy of Management Journal

Regards croisés : une recension, une discussion
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Delannon, Nolywé%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Nolywé Delannon

Helena Liu

Jeanne Barnicaud

Celine Berrier-Lucas


Revue de l'Organisation responsable

Vol. 17

no. 2022-2

p. 115

Le prix de l'électricité. Essai de contribution à l'encyclopédie des nuisances
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Abraham, Yves-Marie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves-Marie Abraham



Producing Statistics on Social and Solidarity Economy: The State of the Art
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu


UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)

What’s Your History? Methodological Prospects and Challenges of Using Life-History Narratives as an Alternative Method to Assess Nonprofits’ Impacts
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello-Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello-Rozas

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

Jacques Rhéaume



Post-pandemic responsible management education: an invitation for a conceptual and practice renewal and for a narrative change
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Ramboarisata, Lovasoa%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Lovasoa Ramboarisata


Journal of Global Responsibility

L'économie sociale à la croisée de ses relations avec l'État
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Malo, Marie-Claire%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Claire Malo

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Camus, Annie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Annie Camus


Revue internationale de l'économie sociale (RECMA)

no. 361

p. 113

Laboratoires vivants en innovation sociale et coconstruction des connaissances dans les villes : les cas du TIESS (Montréal) et de l’OBISF (Florianópolis)

Thiago Magalhaes

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Camus, Annie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Annie Camus

Carolina Andion

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello%Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello Rozas


Revue Organisations & Territoires

Vol. 29

no. 2

p. 1

When the Means Modify the Ends. (E)Valuating and Transforming the Purpose of a Nonprofit Organization Through Impact Assessment ».
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello%Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello Rozas

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%, %' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1



Vol. 11

no. 2

p. 35

Social Impact Bonds: Promises versus facts. What does the recent scientific literature tell us?
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rijpens, Julie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Julie Rijpens

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, %Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Emilien Gruet

Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu


Working Papers CIRIEC

no. 15

Comment former à l'économie sociale et solidaire ?

Mendell Marguerite



Governing Common-Property Assets: Theory and Evidence from Agriculture

Simon Cornée

Madeg Le Guernic

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière


Social Economy under Influence: Isomorphism or Innovation?

Ignacio Bretos

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Alberto Zevi


Numéro thématique

Vol. 91

no. 3

If Life Deals You Lemons, Make Lemonade: CSI-Based Crises and Responses Through CSR Practices

Aline Pereira Pundrich

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Barin-Cruz, Luciano%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Luciano Barin-Cruz

Natalia Aguilar Delgado


Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings

Vol. 2020

no. 1

Organisations Structurantes de l'économie sociale : le cas d'une institution de la finance solidaire au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Léonard, Maude%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Maude Léonard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello-Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello-Rozas


Trajectoires d'innovation. Des émergences à la reconnaissance

p. 131

Organisations structurantes de l'écosystème d'innovation sociale : le cas d'une institution de la finance solidaire au Québec
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Léonard, Maude%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Maude Léonard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tello-Rozas, Sonia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sonia Tello-Rozas


De l'émergence à la reconnaissance. Trajectoires d'innovations sociales

p. 131

The New Standard for Compiling Data on Cooperatives and How It Can Improve Evidence-based Policy Making in the Cooperative Sector
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Invited paper at the Expert Group Meeting on Harnessing the Power of Cooperatives to achieve Sustainable Development for All, United Nations Office, Nairobi (Kenya), March 26-28 2019

The transferability of financial inclusion models: a process-based approach
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

Tania Christopoulos (Pereira)

Frédéric Lavoie


Business & Society

Vol. 58

no. 4

p. 841

The value of technology affordances to improve the management of nonprofit organizations

Debora Bobsin

Maira Petrini

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon


RAUSP Management Journal

Vol. 54

no. 1

p. 14

Worlds, words, and spaces of resistance: Democracy and social media in consumer co-ops

Marcos Barros

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud



p. 1

Exploring the Formal and Informal Roles of Regulatory Intermediaries in Transnational Multi-stakeholder Regulation
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bres, Luc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Luc Bres

Sébastien Ména

Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic


Regulation & Governance

Vol. 13

p. 127

Gig-workers' motivation: Thinking Beyond carrots and sticks. Journal of Managerial Psychology

Nura Jubagi

Anne-Marie Croteau

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Audebrand, Luc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Luc Audebrand

Josianne Marsan


Journal of Managerial Psychology

Vol. En ligne

Exploring the social innovation process in a large market based social enterprise: A dynamic capabilities approach
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vézina, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine Vézina

Magdi Ben Selma

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Malo, Marie-Claire%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Claire Malo


Management Decision

Lever le tabou sur l'évaluation du rendement : de l'évaluation de la performance à l'appréciation de la contribution de la DG dans les entreprises sociales et solidaires
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

Myriam Sylla


Gestion des entreprises sociales et solidaires

p. 227

Practices on Digital eParticipation Platforms to Influence Public Policy: Cases from Brazil

Taiane Ritta Coelho

Maria Alexendra Cunha

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon


ICIS 2018 Proceedings

Produire, diffuser, commercialiser ? ou les tribulations d'un chercheur en gestion qui voulait que ses connaissances soient "utiles"

A. Mesny

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot


Revue internationale de cas en gestion

Vol. 16

no. 4

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Strategies Fostering Nested Systems of Societal Impact

A. Caro-Gonzàles

J. Arellano

F. Arrieta

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Paper at the High-Level Conference " The impact of EU Research and Innovation on your Daily Life ", Joint conference of the European Parliament and the European Commission, European Parliament, Brussels, 27 November 2018

A dialectical reflection on the emergence of the 'citizen as consumer' as neoliberal citizenship: the 2013 Brazilian protests

Isleide Fontenelle

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon


Journal of Consumer Culture

Vol. En ligne

Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for Social and Solidarity Economy?State of the Art

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell

Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Working Paper. United Nations Research Institute on Social Development

Inside Out, Outside In: 'Supporting Members' in Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives [online first]

Myriam Michaud

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Audebrand, Luc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Luc Audebrand


Management Decision

A digital community bank: mapping negotiation mechanisms in its consolidation as an alternative to commercial banks

Eurídice Gomes da Silva Hernandes

Erica Siqueira

Eduardo Diniz

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon


International Journal of Community Currency Research

Vol. 22

no. Summer

p. 56

BeautifulCoffee and Fair Trade: Working with Local Farmer Co-operatives in Nepal

Jinhwan Kim

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Barin%Cruz, Luciano%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Luciano Barin Cruz


International Journal of Case Studies in Management

Vol. 16

no. 1

p. 1

Modeling the Evaluation Process in a Controversy

K.-E. Dionne

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mailhot, Chantale%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Chantale Mailhot

A. Langley


Vol. En ligne

Comment faire valoir l'économie sociale ?

Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Billet de blogue pour l'organisme Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS).

Does Gibrat's law hold among urban social economy enterprises? A research note on Montreal social economy
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière


Economics Bulletin

Vol. 38

no. 3

p. 1523

Commoning and the Commons - Alternatives to a Market Society

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell


Karl Polanyi's Vision of Socialist Transformation

Unpacking the Dynamics of Paradoxes across Levels. Cascading Tensions and Struggling Professionals

Frédéric Gilbert

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud


Dualities, Dialectics, and Paradoxes in Organizational Life

Vol. 8

p. 56

De la solidarité au contrat : la mesure d'impact social en ESS
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu


Tribune Fonda

no. 240

p. 36