• Réinitialiser
The Coworking (R)evolution. Working and Living in New TerritoriesThe Coworking (R)evolution
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Gerhard Krauss

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%, %' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1


Edward Elgar

Coworking spaces in Montreal (Canada): Moving beyond classic location patterns
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay



Vol. 152

L’intelligence collective : une voie de succès ? Regards croisés
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


Éditions EMS, Management et Société

Vol. 48

Repenser le travail : il est temps d’en parler. Regards croisés
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


Éditions EMS, Management et Société

Vol. 47

Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector. Initiatives and Lessons Learned from Real-life Cases
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bérubé, Julie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Julie Bérubé

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Dioh, Marie-Laure%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Laure Dioh

Antonio Cuyler


Emerald Publishing Limited

Conciliation emploi-famille et temps sociaux, 4e édition actualisée
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay



Conditions de travail et d’emploi dans le mouvement communautaire : enquête sur les répercussions des politiques publiques et des pratiques de gestion en temps de pandémie

Mylène Fauvel

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Noiseux, Yanick%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yanick Noiseux

Ophélie Couspeyre



La recherche engagée sur le terrain du travail précaire. Réflexions méthodologiques, épistémologiques et éthiques

Laurence Hamel-Roy

Mylène Fauvel

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Noiseux, Yanick%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yanick Noiseux

Cheolki Yoon

Manuel Salamanca Cardona

Rabih Jamil



Un roman RH. Vivre les ressources humaines au quotidien

Sylvie Guerrero

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Oiry, Ewan%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Ewan Oiry



La performance par la bienveillance est-elle possible ? Le cas d’Accueil et Intégration Bas-Saint-Laurent, structure d’accueil de personnes immigrantes
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Albert, Marie-Noëlle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Noëlle Albert

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lazzari%Dodeler, Nadia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Nadia Lazzari Dodeler

Caroline Houle


EMS Éditions

p. 192

Quelles compétences pour insuffler un environnement inclusif ?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lazzari%Dodeler, Nadia%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Nadia Lazzari Dodeler

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Albert, Marie-Noelle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Noelle Albert

Fick Nathalie


Revue Management et Sciences Sociales

Communs culturels territoriaux et COVID-19 : le cas du quartier Saint-Michel à Montréal

Laurent Dambre-Sauvage

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Recherches sociographiques

Vol. 64

no. 1

p. 143

Les Évènements de Sept-Îles de mai 1972
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boucher, Jacques%L.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jacques L. Boucher


Revue Littoral

no. 17

De l'entreprise à la configuration productive. Travail, emploi, régulations
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%D%Amours, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine D'Amours

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Hanin, Frédéric%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Frédéric Hanin

Pogliaghi Leticia


Presses de l'Université Laval

Recomposition de la gauche québécoise et rôle politique du syndicalisme
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Collombat, Thomas%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Thomas Collombat


Recherches sociographiques

Vol. 63

no. 1-2

p. 131

La tradition collectiviste québécoise : renouer avec une pensée économique supprimée pour renouveler le modèle de développement du Québec

Philippe Dufort

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Perron-Dufour, Mathieu%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mathieu Perron-Dufour

Simon Tremblay-Pepin

Colin Pratte

Alexandre Michaud


Interventions économique

Les enjeux actuels en économie du travail à partir d’une approche institutionnaliste
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


revue Interventions économique

Qu’est devenu le modèle québécois de relations professionnelles ?
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Collombat, Thomas%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Thomas Collombat

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%D%Amours, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine D'Amours


La Nouvelle Revue du Travail

no. 21

Reconceptualising Work and Employment in Complex Productive Configurations
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%D%Amours, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine D'Amours

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Hanin, Frédéric%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Frédéric Hanin

Leticia Pogliaghi

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare


Work, Employment and Society

In Search of Penal Labour Citizenship: Prisoner-Workers Organize for Labour Rights in Canada

L. Aguiar

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Noiseux, Yanick%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yanick Noiseux

T. Marten


Revue de la Société d’études socialistes / Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies

Vol. 16

L’économie sociale à l’ère d’une collaboration et d’une coopération croissantes aux niveaux méso et macro (éditorial)
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Alberio, Marco%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marco Alberio

Laurie Mook


Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l'économie sociale

Vol. 13

no. 2

p. 3

Management post-Covid…Entre prolongement et renouvellement
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


Question(s) de management

Vol. Juillet 2021/3

no. 34

La gestion par résultats devrait s’imposer dans le contexte post-Covid
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Question(s) de management

Vol. Juillet 2021/3

no. 34

Revitalisation urbaine et gentrification positive : le cas du Cinéma Beaubien à Rosemont

Wilfredo Angulo

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Revue Organisations & Territoires

Vol. 29

no. 2

p. 11

Notes d'actualité - Le télétravail et le cotravail (coworking) : enjeux socioterritoriaux dans la foulée de la pandémie de COVID-19
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Revue Organisations & Territoires

Vol. 29

no. 2

p. 159

Se former et apprendre en situation pour prévenir les risques aériens. Le cas du personnel navigant commercial

Anne Gilet

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Formation et prévention des risques au travail, EDUCATION PERMANENTE

no. 224

L’enseignement à distance de l’entrepreneuriat : quelle expertise pédagogique ?

Marina Frangioni

Patrick Pelletier

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lachapelle, Nathalie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Nathalie Lachapelle


Enjeux et société Approches transdisciplinaires

Vol. 7

no. 2

Concilier emploi et famille en temps de pandémie : les résultats d’une recherche au Québec
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Sophie Mathieu


Les Politiques sociales

Le travail à l'épreuve des nouvelles temporalités
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Soussi, Sid%Ahmed%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sid Ahmed Soussi


Presses de l'Université du Québec

Plus de télétravail, d’achat local et une GRH renouvelée !
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Question(s) de management

Vol. 2020/2

no. 28

p. 162

Covid-19 : menace et opportunité
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


Question(s) de management

Vol. 2020/2

no. 28

p. 34

Women in the IT Sector: Queen Bee and Gender Judo Strategies
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Valérie Harvey


Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal

Le coworking en région au Québec : une innovation territoriale et entrepreneuriale contribuant au développement local?
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Erwan Vaineau


Revue Organisations & Territoires

no. 29

p. 2

Espace public, recomposition des gauches et syndicalisme : éléments de comparaison Argentine ? Brésil
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Collombat, Thomas%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Thomas Collombat


Les espaces publics, la démocratie et les gauches en Amérique latine

Quarante ans de politiques d'emploi néo-libérales au Québec
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boucher, Marie-Pierre%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Pierre Boucher

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Noiseux, Yanick%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yanick Noiseux


Crise(s) et mondes du travail

Gérer les connaissances d'employés de service dans de grandes organisations hiérarchiques : le rôle fondamental des acteurs transversaux

Sarah Nogues

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Innovation- Revue d'économie et de management de l'innovation

no. 58

p. 19

Gestion des ressources humaines et responsabilité sociale
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


L'humain plus qu'une ressource au c?ur de la gestion

p. 338

Syndicalismes africains et rapport au politique : entre résistances locales et solidarités globales
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Soussi, Sid%Ahmed%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sid Ahmed Soussi


Revista Africana Studia

no. 28

p. 33

Gestion des ressources humaines et responsabilité sociale
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache


L’humain, plus qu’une ressource au cœur de la gestion, perspectives de gestion des ressources humaines

p. 338

How can we decrease burnout and safety workaround behaviors in health care organizations? The role of psychosocial safety climate

Sari Mansour

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Personnel Review

Vol. 48

no. 2

p. 528

La collégialité et la bi-caméralité sont-elles en danger ? Le cas de l'Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare


De l'administration à la gouvernance des universités : progrès ou recul?

p. 105

La reconfiguration des acteurs communautaires en contexte de réorganisation et "austérité" : le cas des services aux jeunes du Bas-Saint-Laurent

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Alberio, Marco%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marco Alberio

Salim Beghdadi


Trajectoires d'innovation : des émergences à la reconnaissance

p. 165

The workplace: challenges for fathers and their use of leave

Valérie Harvey

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Parental Leave and Beyond: Recent developments, current issues, future directions

p. 223

What strategy of human resource management to retain older workers?

Sari Mansour

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


International Journal of Manpower

Vol. 40

no. 1

p. 135

IA & AS Les perspectives qu’ouvre l’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’Audit Social
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bettache, Mustapha%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mustapha Bettache

Laurie Foisy


Actes du colloque de la 21è Université de printemps de l'audit social

Les syndicats et l'immigration au Québec. L'intégration et l'accès aux structures comme innovations syndicales
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Soussi, Sid%Ahmed%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sid Ahmed Soussi


Trajectoires d'innovation. Des émergences à la reconnaissance

p. 231

Local rooting and creativity within the fashion industry in Beirut

Tarek Ben Hassen

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Euromed Journal of Business

Vol. Apr/19

Notice "Travail indépendant"
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%D%Amours, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine D'Amours


Les zones grises des relations de travail et d'emploi. Un dictionnaire sociologique

p. 553

Travail indépendant
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%D%Amours, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine D'Amours


Dictionnaire des zones grises de l'emploi