• Réinitialiser

L'investissement communautaire au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell


De l'alliance à la gouvernance: logiques d'actions et logiques d'acteurs dans un centre financier aux entreprises Desjardins

Julie St-Pierre

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard



La matérialisation de la société civile : L'exemple des groupes communautaires québécois

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Pierre-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre-André Tremblay


Cooperation as a New Mode of Regulation of Training: the Sectorial Councils in Quebec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

P. Doray

C. Landry


Socio-Economic Review

no. Mar-05

p. 517

La conciliation emploi-famille

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Le Soleil

Modèle québécois de développement et gouvernance: entre le partenariat et le néolibéralisme?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Julie St-Pierre



Rapports de confiance/surveillance dans les entreprises

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare


Les cahiers de recherches sociologiques

Vol. 40

p. 231

L'expérience française de Parcs Naturels Régionaux

C.R. Bryant

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Allie, Louis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louis Allie


1er Forum international sur les paysages protégés, Chaire UNESCO Environnement Paysage

L'empowerment des résidents dans les ressources résidentielles pour personnes âgées

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Jetté, Christian%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Christian Jetté

Michèle Charpentier


VAILLANCOURT, Yves et Michèle CHARPENTIER. Les passerelles entre l'État, le marché et l'économie sociale dans les services de logement social et d'hébergement pour les personnes âgées, rapport final de recherche

Iniciativa local y desarrollo

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein


Revista latinoamericana de estudios urbanos y regionales EURE

Vol. 31

no. 94

p. 25

Gouvernance et gestion de l'entreprise collective d'usagers: stratégies de création de valeur et configurations organisationnelles

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Malo, Marie-Claire%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Claire Malo

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vézina, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine Vézina


Économie et Solidarités

Vol. 35

no. 1

De l'alliance à la gouvernance, logiques d'action et logiques d'acteurs dans un centre financier aux entreprises Desjardins

Julie St-Pierre

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Annales de l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative / Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

Vol. 76

no. 4

p. 585

Producing knowledge on the new social economy : a democratic issue for the knowledge society

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Pierre-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre-André Tremblay


Proceedings of the Mondragon Co-operative research conference 2005, Mondragon University, Spain, June 28, 2005

Strategic objectives of CoPs and organizational learning: Some research results. De Elayne COAKES et Stefe CLARKE (dir.)

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management

Développement économique et développement social: Pragmatisme et lutte contre la pauvreté, le cas de Trois-Rivières

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Ulysse, Pierre%Joseph%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre Joseph Ulysse


Rapport de recherche présenté au Ministère de l'Emploi, de la Solidarité sociale et de la Famille

Petite enfance et gros profits

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare

Rima Elkouri


La Presse

Regions, Training and Employment. New Public Policy Issues

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bernier, Colette%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Colette Bernier


Actes de colloque organisé par the Centre for Economics and Training (CEET), Second International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment, (Leeds University Business School (England), Monash University, septembre 2005)

p. 9

Innovations du travail et syndicats de la fonction publique : un partenariat à construire

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Harrisson, Denis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Denis Harrisson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Laplante, Normand%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Normand Laplante

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare



Contributions of the Social Economy to the Renewal of Policies and Practices in the Area of Welfare to Work during the years 1983-2003

Gérald Larose

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt

Geneviève Shields

Muriel Kearney


Canadian Journal of Career Development / Revue canadienne de développement de carrière

Vol. 4

no. 1

p. 11

Quelques initiatives ayant permis l'institutionnalisation de l'économie sociale au Québec : rôle central de la société civile et rôle essentiel de l'État

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell

Ralph Rouzier


Finanzas y Economia Social

Le logement communautaire, de l'insertion résidentielle à l'insertion socio-spatiale

Richard Morin

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Winnie Frohn

Paul Bodson

Nathalie Chicoine


Canadian Journal of Urban Research / Revue canadienne de recherche urbaine

Vol. 14

no. 2

p. 261

Les dilemmes de la démocratie locale : Quand le local interroge le global

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Patsias, Caroline%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Caroline Patsias


Bherer, L., Collin, J.-P., Kerrouche, É. et Palard, J. (dir.), Jeux d'échelle et transformation de l'État le gouvernement des territoires au Québec et en France

p. 473

De la providence à la prévoyance: les classes populaires et la société libérale au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Petitclerc, Martin%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martin Petitclerc


La régulation sociale entre l'acteur et l'institution. Pour une problématique de l'interaction

p. 236


SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Reimer, Willilam%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Willilam Reimer


Robert ANNIS, Frances RACHER et Marian BEATTIE, Rural Community Health and Well-Being : A Guide to Action

La perception de la pauvreté

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Pierre-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre-André Tremblay



Vol. 1

p. 11

L'aménagement et la réduction du temps de travail : d'une solution au chômage à une mesure de conciliation emploi-famille?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Regards sur le travail

Telework : a new form of work organization and a contribution to work-life balance?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


The 2006 Pfeiffer HRM Encyclopedia. Bob PREZIOZI

De l'expérimentation à l'institutionnalisation positive, l'innovation sociale dans le logement communautaire au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard



Les repères territoriaux de l'économie sociale

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Jean Carrière

Stéphane Guimont-Marceau

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Saucier, Carol%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Carol Saucier



Les systèmes d'échange de proximité: une économie politique du temps et de la consommation

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boulianne, Manon%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Manon Boulianne


Série Consommations et Sociétés

p. 179

The Social Economy. Diverse Approaches and Practices in Europe and Canada

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Laville, Jean-Louis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean-Louis Laville

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell


The Social Economy as a Tool of Social Innovation and Local Development

p. 125

Innovations et transformations sociales dans le développement économique et le développement social : approche théoriques et politiques publiques

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque




SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell


Reclaiming Democracy. The Social Justice and Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Karl Polanyi Levitt

p. 3

L'assurance mutualiste, l'assurance commerciale et la grande entreprise dans la prise en charge du risque maladie au XXe siècle au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Petitclerc, Martin%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martin Petitclerc


L'Approche mutualiste de la santé en Europe. Actions de prévention et services à la personne

p. 73

Une réflexion collective sur le développement social

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Pierre-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre-André Tremblay


Développement social

Vol. 6

no. 1

p. 22

La conciliation emploi-famille et les temps sociaux; le Québec en comparaison d'autres pays

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


D.-G. TREMBLAY (dir.), De la conciliation emploi-famille à une politique des temps sociaux

p. 231

Chronique Vie au travail sur la conciliation emploi-famille et les temps sociaux

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


La Presse

Le télétravail

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Encyclopédie Vuibert de l'informatique

Milieux de vie et populations vulnérables

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt

M. Charpentier

Marie Malavoy



État des connaissances sur les drogues facilitant les agressions sexuelles

M. Bartura

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%LAPIERRE, Judith%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1



Le projet de loi 124 sur les services de garde: reddition de comptes, conflits d'intérêts et expertises

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare


Les CPE et les services de garde en milieu familial. Les enjeux de la nouvelle loi

La délibération éthique : de l'étude de cas à la citoyenneté responsable

P.-L. Bossé

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Morin, Paul%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul Morin

N. Dallaire


Santé mentale au Québec

Vol. 30

no. 1

p. 211

De l'expérimentation à l'institutionnalisation positive, l'innovation sociale dans le logement communautaire au Québec.

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard



Les repères territoriaux de l'économie sociale

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Jean Carrière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

Stéphane Guimont-Marceau

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Michaud, Valérie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Valérie Michaud

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Saucier, Carol%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Carol Saucier


5e Rencontres Inter-universitaire de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire

La forêt plurielle. Nouveaux modes de gestion et d'utilisation de la forêt, le cas de la Forêt de l'Aigle

Guy Chiasson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boucher, Jacques%L.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jacques L. Boucher

Thibault Martin



Vol. 6

no. 2

Expertises et publications professorales

F. Demontigny

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%LAPIERRE, Judith%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1


M. Lepage


Cahier 2

Wal-Mart: une responsabilité sociale à bas prix

Corinne Gendron

Emmanuelle Champion

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Turcotte, Marie-France%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-France Turcotte


Le Devoir

Salaire minimum et emploi

Jean-Jacques Gislain


Partnership, a Major Trend in New Forms of Governance in an Era of Globalization: Issues and Challenges for Publicly Owned Companies and the Social Economy

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque



Les pratiques d'action communautaire en milieu HLM : un patrimoine d'expériences et de compétences

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Morin, Paul%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul Morin


Nouvelles pratiques sociales

Vol. 19

no. 2

p. 144