• Réinitialiser

Enquête nationale sur les organismes à but non lucratif et bénévoles, Portrait statistique des organismes à but non lucratif au Québec

Richard Nicol

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bussières, Denis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Denis Bussières

Sébastien Chartrand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Cucumel, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Cucumel

Louis Jolin

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt


La négociation collective au Québec

Renaud Paquet


Communities of Practice: Are the Organizational Conditions for Implementation the Same for a Virtual Multi-Organization Community?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Revista Organisaçao & Sociedade

Vol. 31

p. 25

De la conciliation emploi-famille à une politique des temps sociaux

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Le secteur du multimédia à Montréal peut-il être considéré comme un milieu innovateur?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Serge Rousseau



Modèle québécois de développement et gouvernance : entre le partenariat et le néolibéralisme

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Julie St-Pierre



Les interfaces tiers secteur-État en Saskatchewan et au Québec dans le champ de la santé et des services sociaux

Sébastien Chartrand

Richard Nicol

Luc Thériault

Louise Tremblay

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt



Leave Policies in Canada. Leave Policies and Research: Reviews and Country Notes

Andréa Doucet

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Cadrage de l'économie sociale en Région wallonne

Fabienne Fecher

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Philippe Grosjean

François-Louis Thoreau

Christine Dussart


Rapport final

La formalisation des pratiques de formation dans les petites et moyennes entreprises manufacturières québécoises

Sylvie Ann Hart

Martin Gamache

Michel Lejeune

Frédéric Lesemann


Post-Career Employment in the United States: A Review of Current Knowledges

Frédéric Lesemann

Julie Beausoleil


Retraite et société

p. 116

Reclaiming Democracy. The Social Justice and Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Karl Polanyi Levitt

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell


Nuevas formas de financiamiento de las empresas y organizaciones de la economia social en Quebec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Ralph Rouzier


Alberto Federico SABATÉ, Ruth MUNOZ et Sabina OZOMEK (Eds.), Finanzas y Economia Social. Modalidades en el manejo de los recursos solidarios

p. 439

Conciliation emploi-famille et temps de travail; que faire pour faciliter la gestion de carrière des mères et des pères?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Canadian Journal of Counselling / Revue canadienne de counselling

Vol. 39

no. 2

p. 168

L'évolution des pratiques de surveillance par les usagers d'une grande entreprise de transport en commun: de 1860 aux années 2000

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand


Comptabilité, contrôle audit

p. 149

Les PME québécoises et la formation. De l'effet de taille aux dispositifs institutionnels

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bernier, Colette%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Colette Bernier


Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations

Vol. 60

no. 3

p. 540

Risque, handicap et citoyenneté

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boucher, Jacques%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jacques Boucher



Les relations de surveillance entre le ministère de la Famille et de l'enfance et les centres de la petite enfance. Une première analyse

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Briand, Louise%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Louise Briand

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare

Anne Renée Gravel


A. AMINTAS, A. GOUZIEN et P. PERROT, Les chantiers de l'économie sociale et solidaire

p. 371

Une étude exhaustive des formes de transition vers la retraite

Stéphane Crespo

Frédéric Lesemann

Mohamed El Filali El Youssefi

Christiane Montpetit


L'économie sociale et l'inclusion des personnes vulnérables au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Dumais, Lucie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Lucie Dumais

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt


Le Partenaire

Vol. 12

no. 2

Renouvellement des paradigmes du développement local: point de vue critique et prospectif

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean%Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean Marc Fontan

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Pierre-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre-André Tremblay


D. LAFONTAINE et Jean BRUNO, Territoires et fonctions: des politiques aux théories. Les modèles de développement régional et de gouvernance en débats

p. 151

Actor social y gobernanza plural en Montreal. Hacia un nuevo modelo?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean-Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean-Marc Fontan


C. DE MATTOS, O. FIGUEROA, R. GIMÉNEZ I CAPDEVILA, A. ORELLANA et G. YANEZ WARNER (dir.), Gobernanza, competitividad y redes. La gestion de las ciudades en el siglo XXI

p. 297

Différentes logiques d'innovation en milieu de travail

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lapointe, Paul-André%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul-André Lapointe

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Cucumel, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Cucumel

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bélanger, Paul%R.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul R. Bélanger

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque



Sociedad del conocimiento: los cambios en el mundo del trabajo y las nuevas competencias de los trabajadores

Frédéric Lesemann


Dante ALVARO (dir.), Sociedad del conocimiento

p. 10

Trajectoires liées à la pauvreté et santé des femmes

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Malenfant, Romaine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Romaine Malenfant

M. Lévesque


Médecins du Québec

Vol. 40

no. 9

p. 103

Recension du livre 'Les stratégies des ressources humaines' par Bernard Gazier

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Malo, François%Bernard%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

François Bernard Malo


Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations

Vol. 60

no. 1

p. 188

Diversité des définitions et des constructions théoriques

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Mendell, Marguerite%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marguerite Mendell

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque


Interventions économiques

Virtual Communities of Practice: Explaining Different Effects in Two Organizational Contexts

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Canadian Journal of Communication

Vol. 30

no. 3

p. 367

Conciliation emploi-famille

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


La Gazette des femmes

O uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação para Melhoria da Participação na Tomada de Decisão Pública. Proceedings of 33 Enanpad

Maria Alexandra CUNHA,

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

Article scientifique

Article scientifique

Managing Sustainability with the Support of Business Intelligence Methods and Tools


SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Pozzebon, Marlei%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marlei Pozzebon

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%, %' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Enjeux théoriques et pratiques en développement local et régional : 30 ans de recherche au GRIR

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Maltais, Danielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Danielle Maltais

S. Tremblay

Les effets d'éviction des politiques publiques et la diversité de l'économie sociale au Canada. Living in Canada, accords and dissonances

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Rousselière, Damien%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Damien Rousselière

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%, %' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guérir du mal de l'infini. Produire moins, partager plus, décider ensemble

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Abraham, Yves-Marie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves-Marie Abraham


Développement territorial et innovation sociale

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean%Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean Marc Fontan

Innovations sociales et territoire : convergences théoriques et pratiques, Collections Innovations socialesInnovations sociales et territoire : convergences théoriques et pratiques, Collections Innovations socialesInnovations sociales et territoire : convergences théoriques et pratiques, Collections Innovations sociales

p. 17