Inspirations from the South:
What theoretical lenses/methodological approaches produced in Latin America might nourish our research projects on social innovation and third sector?
Date: Monday July 6, 2020
14h00 – 16h00 (Quebec time)
Local: Online, Zoom
Brief description:
This webinar seeks to present and discuss what we call ‘inspirations from the South’ in order to promote and nourish an intense North/South dialogue, particularly in the domain of social innovation. Despite the existence of a large body of literature that incorporates a variety of approaches, it should be noted that prevailing social innovation concepts/publications are essentially European and North American. The academic world that is interested in social innovation reproduces the same pattern of cultural domination and colonization of the imaginary that is condemned to other areas of the so-called ‘science’ (Pozzebon et al., 2019). In this webinar, we argue for the value of a greater South-North knowledge sharing by providing an overview of the theoretical traditions coming from Latin America. This includes post-development and buen vivir, participatory action research and social technologies, to cite a few. Although presenting different historical trajectories, what all those streams share is a cultural and political positioning aligned with post-colonialism and post-scientism, challenging numerous premises of the Western vision of progress and science, including the supremacy of technical/scientific knowledge and emphasizing the importance of a higher local/peripherical protagonism. This webinar will promote reflection and exchange about the possibilities of integrating more purposively Latin American theoretical lenses and methodological approaches in our research projects.
Marlei Pozzebon – HEC Montréal & FGV/EAESP, CRISES
Sonia Tello-Rozas – ESG UQAM, CRISES
Armindo dos Santos de Souza Teodósio – PUC Minas
Adriana Ferrarini – UNISINOS
Erika Licon – Concordia University
Luz Dinora Vera Acevedo – Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Fabio Prado Saldanha – HEC Montréal
Mary Claudia S. Butron – UQAM
ISTR – International Society for Third Sector Research
CRISES – Center for research on social innovations/ Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales, pôle HEC Montréal
Language of the webinar: Spanish and Portuguese
Criteria for participation:
People interested to participate (researcher/practitioner/student) in the webinar are pleased to register here (free but compulsory registration). A confirmation email with the information to join the webinar will be sent after registration.