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Concilier travail et famille. Le rôle des acteurs France-Québec

MA Barrère-Maurisson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Les hauts lieux culturels, la norme paysagère - Considérations théoriques et méthodologiques

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bédard, Mario%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mario Bédard


Instrumentalisation, opérationnalisation du paysage au Québec

Innovations sociales et nouvelle régulation associative. Le logement communautaire au Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Les coopératives d'habitants - Méthodes pratiques et formes d'un autre habitat populaire

Territorialité, action publique locale et développement des communautés.

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Caillouette, Jacques%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jacques Caillouette

N Daillare

G Boyer

S Garon


Économie et solidarités

Vol. 38

no. 1

p. 8

État stratège et participation citoyenne

Louis Côté

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Guy Morneau


La production des savoirs en organisation communautaire

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Duperré, Martine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Martine Duperré


Intervention et développement des communautés : enjeux, défis et pratiques novatrices, 76e Congrès de l'ACFAS

p. 96

L'économie sociale et les services de soutien à domicile au Québec : coproduction ou coconstruction ?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Jetté, Christian%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Christian Jetté

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Vaillancourt, Yves%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Yves Vaillancourt

Philippe Leclerc


no. 089-07

Social Entrepreneurs, Local Initiatives and Social Economy: foundations for a socially innovative strategy to fight against poverty and esclusion

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean-Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean-Marc Fontan

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Canadian Journal of Regional Science/ Revue canadienne des sciences régionales

Vol. 32

no. 1

p. 22

Chapitre : Conflict, competition and cooperation in the social division of health care

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Leduc%Browne, Paul%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul Leduc Browne


The ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology

p. 250

Work, age and working time preferences : towards a new articulation of social times in a context of economic crisis?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Najem Elmustapha


International Journal for Responsible Employment Practices and Principles

Vol. 1

no. 1

p. 53

Éléments pour une plate-forme en matière de conciliation travail-famille.

MA Barrère-Maurisson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Concilier travail et famille. Le rôle des acteurs Québec-France Québec

p. 433

People: Paul Claval

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bédard, Mario%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mario Bédard


International Encyclopedia of Human Geography

La Ruche. Résultats de l'enquête par questionnaire réalisée auprès des membres du réseau à l'hiver 2008 dans le cadre du projet de recherche Inventaire et retombées des systèmes d'échange de proximité québécois.

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boulianne, Manon%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Manon Boulianne


Social Innovation, Economic Development, Employment and Democracy.

Reynald Bourque

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Harrisson, Denis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Denis Harrisson

György Széll


Social Innovation, the Social Economy and World Economic Development

Le CSSS de la Montagne et l'organisation communautaire
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Jetté, Christian%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Christian Jetté

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Dumais, Lucie%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Lucie Dumais


Interaction communautaire

Vol. 79

Territoire et régulation

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein


Cahiers de recherche sociologique

no. 45

p. 41

Creativity and Innovation: Proposals for a Research Program that Gives the Social Actor a Central Role in the Fight Against Exclusion_x005F_x000D_ Texte produit pour la Commission européenne dans le cadre du projet Social PolisCreativity and Innovation: Proposals for a Research Program that Gives the Social Actor a Central Role in the Fight Against Exclusion_x005F_x000D_ Texte produit pour la Commission européenne dans le cadre du projet Social Polis

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean-Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean-Marc Fontan

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Harrisson, Denis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Denis Harrisson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


avec la collaboration de Ping Huang (2008),

Spatialité et conditions de vie

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Leduc%Browne, Paul%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul Leduc Browne


Rapport soumis à l'axe Conditions de vie du Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales

L'agir collectif en OSBL d'habitation

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Morin, Paul%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Paul Morin


Bulletin du Réseau québécois des OSBL d'habitation et des fédérations membres

no. 23

p. 9

Building Rural and Urban Common Interests
SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Reimer, Willilam%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Willilam Reimer

Nagata Mami


Revitalization: Fate and Choice

no. 10

Retour au centre à Québec : la renaissance de la Cité est-elle durable

Paul Villeneuve

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Trudelle, Catherine%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Catherine Trudelle


Recherches sociographiques

Vol. 49

no. 1

p. 25


SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard


Se loger autrement au Québec. Le mouvement de l'habitat communautaire, un acteur du développement social et économique

L'impresa incontra arte e cultura. Risulta di una ricerca esplorativa condotta nella citta di Montreal

Elisa Cecilli

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Tafter Journal

no. Jun-08


A. Doucet

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2008

p. 153

Les Annales ont 100 ans/The Annals are 100 Years Old

Fabienne Fecher

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque


Annals of Public aned Cooperative Economics/Annales de l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative

Vol. 79

no. 4-Mar

p. 369

Iniciativa local y desarrollo

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein


Las transformaciones de la Modernidad Excluyente y las Políticas Sociales

p. 102

Acteurs sociaux et gouvernance métropolitaine à Montréal; vers une coalition inclusive

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Denis R. Bussières


XLVè Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF). Territoires et action publique territoriale : nouvelles ressources pour le développement régional

p. 15 pages

Theoretical Issues with New Actors and Emergent Modes of Labour Regulation

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Legault, Marie-Josée%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Josée Legault

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bellemare, Guy%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Guy Bellemare


Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations

Vol. 63

no. 4

p. 742

La reconnaissance de droits fondamentaux par les chartes augmente-t-elle le recours à la plainte pour manquement au devoir de juste représentation

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Legault, Marie-Josée%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie-Josée Legault


Revue en ligne de l'Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec

no. 33

Gouvernance et partenariat, deux vecteurs de la reconfiguration des nouveaux régimes de gouvernance des services sociaux et de santé

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

B Thiry


Gouvernance et intérêt général dans les services sociaux et de santé

p. 227

Le développement socio-économique de Montréal : La cité créative et la carrière artistique comme facteurs d'attraction

Thomas Pilati

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Canadian Journal of Regional Science/ Revue canadienne des sciences régionales

Vol. 30

no. 3

p. 475

Capacity and Social Capital in Rural Communities

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Reimer, Willilam%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Willilam Reimer

Tachikawa Massashi


William Reimer Massashi Tachikawaet (dir.) Revitalization: Fate and Choice

no. 6

Syndicalisme: regards sur le front international

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Soussi, Sid%Ahmed%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Sid Ahmed Soussi



Vol. 67

no. 1

p. 146

Études de cas sur la néoruralité et les transformations des collectivités rurales

C. Yorn

L. Veillette

CH. Bryant

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Klein, Juan-Luis%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Juan-Luis Klein

M. Doyon


Rapport d'une recherche réalisée avec Solidarité rurale du Québec

An Index of Community Vulnerability: Conceptual Framework and Application to Population and Employment Changes, 1981-2001

Alessandro Alasia

Ray Bollman

John Parkins

Bill Reimer


Agriculture and Rural Working Paper Series

Vol. 21

no. 88

Géographie et littérature

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bédard, Mario%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mario Bédard

C. Lahaie


Vol. 52

no. 147

L'histoire d'une innovation sociale

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Marcellin Hudon


Se loger autrement au Québec. Le mouvement de l'habitat communautaire, un acteur du développement social et économique

The Public Sector and the Social Economy », in The Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (APCE) (1975-2007): Toward a New Paradigm

Fabienne Fecher

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque


Annales de l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative / Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

Vol. 79

no. 3

p. 683

Un portrait de la société civile : réalité québécoise

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Fontan, Jean%Marc%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jean Marc Fontan


L'état du Québec 2009

p. 354

Les réseaux des acteurs de l'investissement responsable : enjeux analytiques et études de cas

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Hanin, Frédéric%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Frédéric Hanin

Christine Zwick


Cahiers de l'ARUC-ES

no. C2008-17

L'éclatement de l'emploi

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


The Demand for Telework of It Self-employed Workers

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Émilie Genin


Journal of E-Working

Vol. 1

no. 2

p. 98

Les âges de la vie et les aspirations en matière de temps de travail; le cas du Québec

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Paquet Renaud

Najem Elmustapha


Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle en Europe

p. 251

L'action communautaire et la revitalisation des quartiers de Trois-Rivières

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Ulysse, Pierre%Joseph%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Pierre Joseph Ulysse

Frédéric Leseman


L'état du Québec 2009

p. 369

Empreendedorismo nas incubadoras : perspectivas e desafios

Adelaide Baêta

Candido Borges

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao

Vol. 12

no. 1

La gouvernance de la conciliation travail-famille : comparaison France-Québec

Marie-Agnès Barrère-Maurrisson

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay


Santé, Société et Solidarité

no. 1

p. 85

L'apport de l'imaginaire socio-territorial dans l'inconscient collectif - Le cas du réaménagement du Mont-Orford

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bédard, Mario%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Mario Bédard


Cahiers de Géographie du Québec

Vol. 52

no. 147

p. 523

Le financement de l'habitation communautaire

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

Allan Gaudrault


Se loger autrement au Québec. Le mouvement de l'habitat communautaire, un acteur du développement social et économique

Modèle québécois de développement et gouvernance: entre le partenariat et la concurrence?

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Bouchard, Marie%J.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Marie J. Bouchard

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Lévesque, Benoît%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Benoît Lévesque

Julie St-Pierre


Régimes de gouvernance et services d'intérêt général, une perspective internationale

p. 39

Vulnérabilité des communautés forestières au Québec et perspectives d'alternatives

SELECT guid FROM coloc_posts INNER JOIN coloc_term_relationships on coloc_posts.ID = coloc_term_relationships.object_id where post_title like '%Boucher, Jacques%L.%' and coloc_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = 8 order by ID DESC Limit 1

Jacques L. Boucher


Mobilité, vulnérabilité et développement durable

p. 225